
Hatha Yoga

Herby May 16, 2021 0 comments 0

Hey, and welcome to your Hatha Yoga class. What to expect – I believe everyone with every kind of body, should be able to enjoy the benefits of yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice, going back over 5ooo years, so have its benefit’s, or it would have passed as quickly as any other fashion fad. Of course, over time Yoga…


Herby December 2, 2020 0 comments 0

A class suitable for all ages and capabilities that is a based on improving postural strength and mobility. A range of exercises are executed from a mat in standing sitting, kneeling and laying positions. Note that every exercise has adaptations and variations for all capabilites attending. Some strength and stretch work incorporated with balance a posture creates a mobilized supportive…

Pilates Power

Herby December 2, 2020 0 comments 0

A class to challange us, improving strength, balance and spinal alignment. Using the Joseph Pilates 34 moves and includiing adaptaions of them, we get a full body work out, creating a mobile flexible body and spine. Strengthening our posture, range of movement and motion in activity. This class will ignight your powerhouse of core & support muscles to promote, not…

Yoga Power

Herby December 2, 2020 0 comments 0

In this class you will experience a full body workout, challanging yourself mentally and physically. Hatha Yoga is suitable for all ages (16+) and has adaptations for capabilities, from beginner to advanced. We begin the class, with an active mobilization, followed with the energising and warming Sunsalutaions. Then into 7 asana’s (poses) with varying focus’ which lengthen and strengthen for…


Herby December 2, 2020 0 comments 0

In this class you will experience a full body workout. Hatha Yoga is suitable for all ages (16+) genders and capabilities as all poses have adaptaions. We spend the beginning of the class, with simple movements to mobilize, followed with the energising and warming Sunsalutaions. Then into 7 asana’s (poses) with varying focus’ which lengthen and strengthen for a supple,…

Restorative Yoga

Herby December 2, 2020 0 comments 0

In this class you will experience a welcomed warmth throughout your body, relieving aches and pains. Regular participation in this class will increase your range of movement, mobility, flexibility and the easing of stiff joints. Circulation, digestive path and lung capacity can all be imporved by regular attendace, as well as a lifted mood emotionally and physically. We spend the…