
In this class you will experience a full body workout. Hatha Yoga is suitable for all ages (16+) genders and capabilities as all poses have adaptaions. We spend the beginning of the class, with simple movements to mobilize, followed with the energising and warming Sunsalutaions. Then into 7 asana’s (poses) with varying focus’ which lengthen and strengthen for a supple, flexible and posturally strong body. You will learn how to focus your mind, breath and body during this class, giving a positive and rewarding result on your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual presence. Concluding the class with Pranayama – breathing exercises which clear the physical and emotional obstacles in our body to allow free flowing breath & life energy. Finally closing with an indulgent complete surrender to relaxation. Poses can be assisted with supportive blocks, bands, bolsters and yoga belts. Regular attendance to this class can help you over come stress, anxiety and depression. You will be rewareded with improved concentration, strength, flexibility, circulation, digestion, and better sleep.
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